Tuesday 13 December 2011

In conclusion

As i was producing my products i tended not to challenge any conventions, the reason i did this was because i wanted it to have a familiar newspaper feel to it. due to it being a Harrogate newspaper my newspaper was aimed at the middle/upper class middle aged people. Throughout my production i had conducted several audience feedbacks. this has helped me to create my product to be as realistic as possible

Guardian newspaper advert
The poster above uses bright colours to attract the audiences attention. This effect is also achieved by the use of negative space within the advert. This helps to highlight the usage of the bright colours and it makes the actual image stand out more. The advert shown uses a lot of exclamation marks. This is used to show the voices and opinions  of the people and saying that they should speak their thoughts and opinions more. However, this advert is also telling the audience that the guardian only says stuff that is worthwhile. It is also promoting its website as it contains their web address just

The Times newspaper advert

advert is no longer avaliable

this advert is very simple but at the same time it is very effective. The image itself shows all the 6 sections which are found within this newspaper. The advert also does good use of the text. The style of font is instantly recognisable to the times and the audience will recognise that. Although the logo itself is quite small and doesn’t take up a lot of space on the advert. This is perhaps done to create a more simplistic image which is not too cluttered. The use of natural colours will also make it appeal toward the older audiences.

Generic conventions of Harrogate advertiser website

·         uses the same masthead as the newspaper
·         cohesion of colour/font
·         drop down menus
·         search bar
·         login/register options
·         Date, month, year
·         Advertisements
·         Sponsors of the website
·         Weather section
·         Scrolling text
·         Interactive elements, ability to comment on stories and photos
·         Small photo which relates to certain stories
·         Photo gallery
·         Shows local jobs, motors, properties etc announcements
·         Copyright and publisher
·         Terms and condition, contact us ,accessibility, disclaimer, cookie policy
·         Links to other pages (news, community, sport, lifestyle)

Website Progression

My original website was first done on google sites, as you can see i did not get very far with this, this is due to the fact that it is rather limited in its options

My second attempt at creating a website was done on www.moonfuit.com. this site had alot more option than google sites, however it was rather hard to understand and it was quite difficult to use. therefore i moved onto another website making site.

for my final product i used www.wix.com, the reason i chose this other the others is due to the ease of use and wide variety of options which are availiable

3rd Page Progression

Poster Progression

This is the original photo shot for my poster. From my audience feedback I learned that the picture was too grey and would not be appropriate for a newspaper advert as it would not grab the reader’s attention.however I received positive audience feedback on the slogan “take a wider view of Harrogate”

To improve my poster I edited the sky so it was less dull and boring, the overall effect has received good feedback.

Front Cover progression

This is my first attempt at producing the front page of the newspaper. It is obviously not complete as there are no photos to go with the stories. The adverts are also missing because they have not been produced at this stage of the production. I will be conducting audience feedback in order to improve my newspaper

The main change that has taken place is the positioning of the banner, it was suggested from my audience feedback that I should put it above the newspaper masthead for a more “professional” look.
As you can see my newspaper layout has completely changed from the last time. This was due to the audience feedback I got from my last attempt. My last layout was criticised because “the photo positioning does not properly match the text” so in order to improve this I completely redid the layout. The new layout had an overall positive feedback. My main title of the newspaper has remained the same as there has been no negative feedback on it. I have also increased the size of the font of the main story headline. Before it was criticised for “being too small for the main headline”
Photos have now been added to the newspaper and the newspaper is now looking more complete than it was in the last stage. Although the quality of the photos have been criticised by some