Tuesday 13 December 2011

Front Cover progression

This is my first attempt at producing the front page of the newspaper. It is obviously not complete as there are no photos to go with the stories. The adverts are also missing because they have not been produced at this stage of the production. I will be conducting audience feedback in order to improve my newspaper

The main change that has taken place is the positioning of the banner, it was suggested from my audience feedback that I should put it above the newspaper masthead for a more “professional” look.
As you can see my newspaper layout has completely changed from the last time. This was due to the audience feedback I got from my last attempt. My last layout was criticised because “the photo positioning does not properly match the text” so in order to improve this I completely redid the layout. The new layout had an overall positive feedback. My main title of the newspaper has remained the same as there has been no negative feedback on it. I have also increased the size of the font of the main story headline. Before it was criticised for “being too small for the main headline”
Photos have now been added to the newspaper and the newspaper is now looking more complete than it was in the last stage. Although the quality of the photos have been criticised by some

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