Tuesday 13 September 2011

9 golden rules

1.       Kiss – keep it short and simple- local papers normally have shorter sentences between 16 – 20 words- keep to simple vocabulary which the broadest audience can access

2.       Read for speed – sentences and headlines are short – cross heads break the story down into bite size pieces – columns are narrow and easy to read

3.       Never use 3 words where 1 will do – you will rarely see the following phrases in newspapers – “in the near future” – “ in the first instance” – “ on the subject of” – “in the consequence of”

4.       Don’t repeat yourself – don’t use 2 words which mean the same thing e.g. uniquely special – final outcome – important essentials

5.       Use active verbs – e.g. burglars took the corgi, rather the corgi was taken by the burglars

6.       Play with language – use puns e.g. chippy gets a battering, Steve Davis arrives on que

7.       Make the story personal – particularly  in local papers, people sell papers

8.       Categorise people in the news – e.g. grey haired pensioner, secret lover, mother of two, retired teacher

9.       Things to avoid – clichés, euphemisms, being to chatty, unnecessary use of foreign or American phrases

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