Wednesday 21 September 2011

Skatepark newspaper story

New Skate Park opens up in valley gardens 

After many years of young teens petitioning for a skate park to be opened in the Harrogate area, a new skate park has finally opened up in valley gardens on the 28th May; work began on the skate park in early February, and it had setback the council £150,000 During the production of the park both the users of the skate park and the council has been working together to build the park at the highest quality, there we’re a couple minor setbacks during the construction process as there was still debate on where to locate the skate park which setback the original completion date. Local skaters say that it was well worth the wait.

However, this is not the first skate park that has been opened up in Harrogate, about 5 years ago there was a skate park located near the Hydro. This too was very popular with the younger generate-on, but was very unpopular with local residents as it caused a lot of noise and disruption and the skate park was removed only a few weeks after it was built. However, the new skate park is a permanent structure and it is unlikely to go, the location of the skate park means that it is likely that there will be less complaints.

As of now the skate park has proved very popular with teenagers and children alike. A local skater says “it’s great that Harrogate finally got a skate park, before there were not many places to skate in Harrogate, before we would have to travel as far as Leeds in order to have a good skate session” it is not only younger people that benefit from this skate park but local parents also do “I think that the skate park is a great opportunity for my children, it gives them something to do and its great exercise”  as of far the new skate park has been very popular with local residents.

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