Thursday 8 September 2011


I’m creating an ultra-local newspaper which is going to be based in Harrogate. My newspaper will cover on both local issues and some national issues, but only if they relate to the local area.  The news values that I will give priority to are personalisation; these are stories which are to do with local people. Negativity will also be prevalent within my newspaper as these stories are more likely to read by the target audience. Continuity will also be included within the newspaper. I want my newspaper to have the feeling that there is a strong community.
Ideology:  I’m going to replicate the established conventions of existing newspapers, without these conventions the audience may not recognise the product. My newspaper is going to predominantly conservative and I will not be challenging the normal conventions. My newspaper will also need to be politically neutral so there is less chance of losing the target audience. My target audience for my newspaper is going to be people, who live in the Harrogate area, and the newspaper will be mainly targeted for people who are around 30+, and due to the fact that it is a Harrogate newspaper it will also be targeted towards the more middle class. There will also be secondary readership to account for, so teenagers may also read it so there will be some content for them. Secondary readership means that there will be larger audience and I will need to consider that into the newspaper.

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