Tuesday 13 September 2011

Writng a newsaper

Design Checklist

·         Gather material for front page and decide which is essential and which is optional , use short pieces of writing or “fillers” to fill small gaps

·         Give each page a main story or picture which will attract the reader’s attention

·         Give the best picture a prominent position on the page, even if it doesn’t go with the lead story

·         Scatter other pictures around the page and make sure it is always clear to the reader where to go next

·         Vary the shapes and sizes of the picture

·         Make sure every picture has a caption and every story has a headline

·         Use lines and boxes sparingly, and only if they are needed to make separation clear

Making stories fit

If your stories are too long, your options are to:

·         Cut the text  - you can always drop a sentence or two or else find shorter ways of saying things

·         Trim or resize photographs – tight cropping of pictures, especially head and shoulder shots, can make them much more dramatic

·         Shorten the headline

·         Alter the size or style of the font or change the leading or tracking

·         Move something else, such as advertisement, off the page.

If your stories are too short your options are to:

·         Add text

·         Enlarge a photo

·         Add an introduction (standfirst)

·         Alter the size or style of the font or change the leading or tracking

·         Put space between the paragraphs

·         Add crossheads (mini-headlines) between paragraphs

·         Add a lift quote – take a quotation form the story, type it in larger font, and draw attention to it by boxing it or giving it some white space

·         Add an advertisement or filler material

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